Yoni massage training

How to love a woman through touch?
You have the desire to take your wife to the highest possible oasis of pleasure - so that she no longer knows the border between earth and sky.
I have put this training together through my own experiences; everything I share comes from my own secret chest.
Sensual, juicy, and passionate, but at the same time gentle and sensual touch is a real magic that opens the gates of a woman's love pleasures.
It is a unique, innovative, and surprising training for men.
Fathers and sons together have come to this training many times, but groups of friends come even more often.
The age of those who participated in the training is between 13 and 80 years.

Why is yoni massage (i.e., female genital massage) useful?

  • Pleasure, intimacy, and closeness increase
  • Headaches and migraine attacks decrease.
  • A new and exciting experience
  • A way to avoid or get rid of stress/depression 
  •  An effective healer through nerve endings
  •  Rebuilding trust
  •  A woman's self-confidence increases.
  •  Helpful in infertility 
  •  Increases sexual energy
  •  Pain during intercourse decreases.
  •  Circulation improves, and oxygen levels increase.
  •  Cells regenerate faster

Yoni massage is, in addition to pleasure, a form of therapy with which a man can offer a woman wonderful and unprecedented orgasms. 

The woman who says she can't orgasm definitely needs more time. She needs loving space and presence. A wise and knowledgeable man can touch in such a way that every touch is like a caress made with angel wings. Layer by layer, it is possible to open a woman's heart, and through wonderful experiences, you will row together as if on the edge of a cloud.

Yoni massage, or female genital massage training, consists of two parts: 


  • Introduction - Female anatomy, the influence of thoughts on sexuality, the meaning of love space, and the skills that bring a woman from the head to the heart level. In addition, different orgasms, secrets of good sex, and many surprising and new facts about women. A lesson in hugs!
  • Practice "female moulages" - a sensual and miraculous breast massage and more than 60 different positions to wake up a woman's dormant pleasure points. 

Women need time - a woman is like cold water in a water jug that warms up slowly, and once the water has boiled up, this is when the oases of pleasure will open! An original Yoni massage with a general massage lasts one and a half to two hours.

The massage is performed only with very gentle and stroking caresses and touches.  The art of touch is the most subtle art!

Expected result

The result is a sexually satisfied woman who is bright, blooming, friendly, and many times more positive in nature. She looks at her husband in a completely new way, and she does not whine whimper, or nag. Your relationship with your wife will get a new lease of life, more intimacy, closeness, and mutual understanding, and many everyday problems will find a quick solution or become less important. 

Duration: 4 hours 


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